Yohann Martineau, blog, peers-0.4 small is beautiful!

peers-0.4 small is beautiful!

2010-12-15 15:24:37

After more than one year of irregular development, bug fixing and refactoring, thinking, improving, thinking again and some short nights, a new release of peers is available!

In this release, you will find a brand new GUI, still based on swing, but using native look and feel.

javasound is still employed for microphone capture and contact's voice playback.

No more external library is employed in this release. Jrtp has been replaced with a new home made RTP stack. This RTP stack has been developed with the same keep it stupid simple philosophy as peers SIP stack.

As more and more people are using peers, interoperability tests have been performed against more IPBXs, gateways, hardphones and softphones. I don't have a complete list of compatible SIP elements, but this list is growing.

Amongst new features, the ability to configure your SIP account using Edit > Accout in menu bar will probably be the most important one. It implies that peers users no longer have to modify an xml file manually before peers startup.

If you are a voip customer and your internet service provider can give you a SIP account, you can try peers now to call from your PC. Depending on your internet service provider servers configuration, you may also receive calls on your PC using peers. Some service providers also enable you to place calls from anywhere in the world using your sip account and local rates towards fixed line phones.

Lien permanent
english, development, internet service provider, java, peers, protocol
