Yohann Martineau, blog, Peers 0.3 is out!

Peers 0.3 is out!

2009-03-31 22:03:42
Date originale : 2008-06-02

The latest peers release is out!

I've been working hard on this release for nights... it includes new features, such as REGISTER management. Of course this implies register-refresh and unregister management. But a register implementation would probably be useless without digest support. That's the reason why MD5 algorithm and challenges have been added in peers, as specified in RFC2617. This registration implementation has been tested against openser: the reference proxy/registrar implementation. For the moment Proxy-authenticate header has not been implemented but it should not be too complicated as it is exactly the same principle as www-authenticate header.

This release has been tested against more softphones than the previous release:

Many issues have been fixed in this release, and a new test framework has been used: TestNG. This framework is very impressive and very useful to test and track thread concurrency issues. It relies on java annotations and offers an impressive list of features. This is really a great tool.

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protocol, peers, java, english
